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Hot Honey Pickled Cashews

Yields1 Serving

Hot pickled nuts for your snacking spread.
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cashews in jars

 8 oz cashews, raw
 100 ml water
 100 ml cider vinegar
 8 g salt
 64 g honey
 ¾ tsp red pepper flakes

In a small bowl, toss the cashews with the red pepper flakes. Combine the water, vinegar, honey and salt in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, and pour over the cashews. Let cool, then store in fridge. Keeps for a few weeks.

cashews in bowl


Serve the pickled nuts alone as a snack, or as part of an appetizer spread - especially with a nice, earthy goat cheese.

Note that, as pictured - we tried a mix of raw and roasted cashews, keeping them separated throughout the cooking and storing process. Raw nuts, surprisingly, were the favorites. But feel free, etc. The mixed look does make a nice presentation.

cashews and cheese